Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Much Your Smartphone Cost to Build: An Interactive Breakdown

How Much Your Smartphone Cost to Build: An Interactive Breakdown

How Much Your Smartphone Cost to Build: An Interactive BreakdownYou know how much you paid for your phone. But how much did the materials inside it cost the company that built it? And—more importantly—who's prioritizing what?

Detailed Component Breakdown<br> Detailed Component Breakdown

We've seen some of these numbers before, but where this infographic from Tableau makes it interesting is breaking down the component costs. They all cost roughly the same to manufacture, but how people spent that money shows: Apple ponied up more for the iPhone 4 housing than anyone else bothered to, while RIM's processor budget was predictably meager for the Torch. Nokia's N8 gambled big on the N8's 12MP camera, but underspent most other places. And so on.

And yes, there are lots more dollars not accounted here that go into research and design and packaging and such. That profit margin's just on the actual physical parts; they don't literally make that much money every time you buy a phone. But it's still fun to quantify the hardware, and to see how many ways a phone company can burn through $190 of parts. [Tableau]

Send an email to Brian Barrett, the author of this post, at

Interesting to see these phones cost of physical parts by it suggests the priorities of the different phone makers.

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